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Visit the Singleton Community Directory

Broke, New South Wales

Local Services in Broke


Raworth Medical 21.22km

Civic Medical 22.24km

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Upcoming Events in Singleton

Broke image

The Broke-Fordwich area is located 20 minutes from Singleton and 10 minutes from Pokolbin in the south west corner of the Hunter Valley. Broke played a critical role in the development of New South Wales and is one of the oldest wine-growing areas in Australia. In 1994 it was formally recognised as a separate viticultural sub-region of the Hunter Valley. Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Brokenback Range Yellow Rock escarpment, it's warm climate and fertile soils produce soft and distinctive wines such as Semillon, shiraz, chardonnay and Verdelho. It also features Italian varietals including Sangiovese, barbera and dolcetto. Enjoy bushwalking, horse riding and picnics through Yengo National Park or a country drive to nearby Wollombi, Lovedale or Maitland. The town retains a rural character and offers great bed and breakfasts, cafes and restaurants.

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