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Visit the Uralla Community Directory

Kingstown, New South Wales

Local Services in Kingstown


Uralla Clinic 39.03km

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Uralla Pharmacy 38.86km

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Kingstown image

Kingstown is approximately 45 kilometres north-west of Uralla. The town's main industries are sheep and beef cattle breeding and some timber production. The general store has a post office and stocks groceries and fuel. Visit the nearby Merilba Estate Wines for tastings - the restaurant is available for bookings on the weekends. Access to nearby Warrabah National Park is approximately 15 kilometres to the west. The Loopanda Aboriginal people occupied this area long before the arrival of the first European settlers. The timber church which opened in 1893 is used regularly by Bundarra, Uralla and Armidale ministers of various denominations. Although owned by the Uniting Church, maintenance of the property is a community effort. In 1896 Kingstown was granted a part time teacher that rode between Torryburn and Kingstown Half-Time Schools to teach. This ride was about nine miles each way and had to be undertaken in all weather conditions. The Kingstown School was enlarged in 1899 to accommodate the then 20 students who were attending classes there. In 1906 the school was upgraded to a full time Provisional School and later the same year was granted the status of a Public School.

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