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Visit the Weddin Community Directory

Quandialla, New South Wales

Local Services in Quandialla

Upcoming Events in Weddin

Quandialla image

Step back in time, relax and enjoy authentic country village hospitality with a visit to Quandialla - the rural oasis nestled in the Weddin Mountains Region. Set in the shadow of the Weddin Mountains National Park, Quandialla is worth a visit to explore local history, bushwalk to Ben Hall’s Cave, discover Seaton’s Farm, enjoy the newest art installation at the Memorial Hall - the Quandialla Mural, cool off with a dip in the local pool or a cold one and a chat at the end of your adventure. The village lies in the southwest corner of the Weddin Shire and is within easy reach of the larger towns of Grenfell, Young, Temora and West Wyalong for a day trip. It’s also a wonderful place to stay or camp to take advantage of all the area has to offer.

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