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Visit the Wollondilly Community Directory

Maldon, New South Wales

Upcoming Events in Wollondilly

Maldon image

Maldon is part of the Wollondilly Shire and is popular for its outdoor activities such as bushwalking, swimming, picnicking and go karting for the more adventurous. It is part of the main southern railway that winds it way to Picton and beyond and is home to the Maldon Cement Works. Picton boasts a modern shopping centre and a vibrant collection of main street businesses, including gift shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs. The free self guided Picton Walking Tour brochure is a great way to discover the town by foot and learn about the local history and heritage as you wander through the town. Copies are available from Wollondilly Shire Council, Menangle Street, Picton or from The NSW Rail Museum, Barbour Road, Thirlmere.

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