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Razorback, New South Wales

Upcoming Events in Wollondilly

Razorback image

Razorback is part of Wollondilly Shire and is known for its high steep hills. At the top of Razorback is a panoramic lookout over Picton, Cawdor Valley, Camden and Sydney. These areas were used in scenes and backdrops from some of Australia's earliest black and white films "Smiley" and "Smiley Gets a Gun" with Chips Rafferty. Razorback is the site for the historic Anthony Horden's Tree "While I Live I'll Grow" and was also made famous with the Truckies Blockade in the 70s where there is now a monument to the event. Popular attractions close to Razorback are Ultimate Paintball, Belgenny Farm and Razorback Ridge Wines.

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