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Visit the Derwent Valley Community Directory

Strathgordon, Tasmania

Local Services in Strathgordon

Upcoming Events in Derwent Valley

Strathgordon image

Strathgordon is on the banks of Lake Pedder on the edge of Tasmania's World Heritage Wilderness Area and surrounded by a spectacular landscape with vast expanses of water, forested islands and distant snowy peaks. The 90-km drive from Maydena to Strathgordon winds through some of the most stunning scenery you'll ever see. The surrounding Southwest National Park is Tasmania's largest national park and protects some of the most remote wilderness found anywhere, including stands of rare Huon pine and a world of endemic plant and animal species. There are walking trails around the edge of Lake Pedder and into the surrounding wilderness, while a walk around the old town reveals the area's engineering history and the story of the flooding of the original Lake Pedder. From Strathgordon, it's a short 10-min drive to the Gordon Dam where you can walk along the top of the dam or abseil down the dam wall. Accommodation is available at a full-service chalet and in self-contained units. Strathgordon is a 2-hour and 15-min drive (156 km) from Hobart.

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