Established in 1976, Caxton Legal Centre is Queensland’s oldest community legal centre. Caxton Legal Centre offers free legal advice and assistance on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Please call the centre to make an appointment. We can also arrange interpreters if necessary, please let us know in advance. Daytime legal advice appointments are reserved for people who are genuinely unable to attend in the evening. Telephone advices are available in some cases for clients outside the Brisbane area and by appointment only. Caxton Legal Centre provides legal advice in the following areas: • civil law • criminal law • family law. Caxton Legal Centre also has the following specialist services: Seniors Legal and Support Service - This service provides free legal and social work support for seniors experiencing mistreatment, financial exploitation or elder abuse. Park and Village Information Link - This service provides free information and legal assistance for residents and prospective residents of retirement villages and manufactured home parks in Queensland. Social Work Service - This service provides free counselling, information, advocacy, referrals to other services and limited court support for people who are already clients of the centre.
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