Acute and Specialists Care

Hospital service

Normanton Hospital

North West Hospital and Health Service

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About Us

2,100km north-west of Brisbane, Normanton is a small community situated on the banks of the Norman River in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Primary industries are the mainstay of the area, along with tourism. Approximately 1,250 people live in Normanton and the surrounding areas.

The Traditional Custodians of the Normanton area are the Gkuthaarn, Kukatj, and Kurtijar peoples. In total, close to 60 per cent of the local population identify as Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Normanton Hospital is a Level 2 hospital under the Rural and Remote Clinical Services Capability Framework, with capacity to provide respite/palliative care services and private admissions. The facility provides 24-hour acute inpatient and accident and emergency care. Outpatient services include general outpatients, nurse and medical led clinics, radiology, pathology, pharmacy and dressing clinics.

Normanton Community Health consists of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and a nurse. The team works in partnership with Normanton Hospital staff and other agencies to provide health assessments, chronic disease management and coordination of visiting services.

The model of care includes supporting and access of clinical review, health education and programs which include: Deadly Ears; Allied health services; Cardiac and respiratory services; Sexual Health; Alcohol and Other Drugs counselling; Mental Health; Dental; Diabetes Education and Renal Services.

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Quick Facts About The Region

Normanton Hospital is located in the suburb of Normanton, the council of Carpentaria, the state electorate of Traeger and the federal electorate of Kennedy.