Acute and Specialists Care

Infectious disease service

Communicable Disease Control

Mackay Hospital And Health Service

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About Us

Mackay Public Health Unit is responsible for the management of communicable diseases in our community. This includes early detection, surveillance, investigation and control of diseases contracted by people from animals (zoonotic diseases), insects (vector borne diseases) and other persons.

What we do
Monitor and respond to notifiable diseases and conditions reported to Queensland Health under the Public Health Act 2005,  including:
Infections transmitted to humans from animals including Q Fever, Hendra virus and Australian Bat Lyssavirus.
Mosquito-borne infections such as dengue fever
Serious infections such as meningococcal disease
Vaccine preventable diseases including measles and pertussis
Food and water borne disease outbreaks
Manage communicable disease outbreaks and public health incidents, including influenza in Residential Care Facilities (RCF)
Provide expert communicable disease control advice to health professionals, governments, industry and community
Develop,  implement and partner with others on projects and research to prevent and control communicable diseases;
Monitor, enforce and promote compliance with the Public Health Act 2005
Joint program with local government and other agencies on mosquito control and mosquito borne diseases.
Useful Links
Bat Bites or Scratches and Lyssavirus
Specific for Bat bites or scratches and Lyssavirus – Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, Control, Transmission, Prevention, Pre-exposure vaccination and Post-exposure vaccination.

Bats and Human Health
What disease do bats carry? Rainwater tanks and swimming pools, Teaching children about bats.

Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, Control, Transmission and Prevention.

Infections and Parasites

Mosquito Borne Diseases and Dengue
Dengue alerts, Zika virus, Mosquito borne disease prevention, Health professionals and clinicians, Responsibilities reducing the spread in workplaces, hotels and schools and available resources.

Meningococcal Disease
Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, Control, Transmission and Prevention.

Hendra Virus Infection
Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, Transmission, Prevention, Preventing human infection, Notification requirements and Public Health Response.

Influenza (The Flu)
Signs and Symptoms, Treatment, Control, Transmission and Prevention.

Influenza in Education and Care Services
Vaccination and Promoting good hygiene.

Disease Prevention in Education and Care Services
Exclusion times for contagious conditions, National guidelines, Gastroenteritis outbreaks in ECEC services, Gastroenteritis outbreak in a camp facility and Staff immunisations.

Staying Healthy

Upcoming Events at Communicable Disease Control

Quick Facts About The Region

Mackay Hospital and Health Service is located in the suburb of West Mackay, the council of Mackay, the state electorate of Mackay and the federal electorate of Dawson.