Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)

Mackay Hospital And Health Service

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About Us

Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) helps children and young people up to the age of 18 and their families who have complex mental health needs. Many CYMHS clients are struggling with anxiety, depression, their attachment-relationships, eating disorders, school refusal, psychosis, suicidal and/or self-harming behaviours and/or trauma. This struggle has usually impacted on their development, close relationships, activities, education or work.

Child and Youth Mental Health Service clinicians specialise in child, adolescent and family mental health and development. We will involve you in decision making, keep you informed, ask for your input, offer you choices and respect your privacy and need for confidentiality. By working together, we will support you to get back on track.

How to access this service:

People can refer them self, or can be referred by family members or friends, GPs and health professionals or other government or non-government services.

This is a voluntary service and is free and confidential

Phone for an appointment or send a written referral to

After Hours: You can access your nearest Mental Health Service in Queensland by calling the 24-hour access number 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255). 

Quick Facts About The Region

Mackay Community Health is located in the suburb of Mackay, the council of Mackay, the state electorate of Mackay and the federal electorate of Dawson.