General Disability Services

About Us

CareChoice has been providing complex 24/7 care and support for individuals with high intensity support needs since 2007. Our highly skilled and dedicated team includes Support Workers, Registered Nurses, Behaviour Support Practitioners and a Senior Clinical Practice Advisor. All complex programs at CareChoice have a dedicated Team Leader to oversee the program and ensure the delivery of comprehensive, safe, and individualised supports.

When it comes to providing supports for clients with multiple and complex needs, CareChoice does not just recruit staff with appropriate qualifications and skill. We look for staff with ‘heart’ – those who are aligned with our vision, mission and values and genuinely want to help others to be their best. All staff are CareChoice employees, we do not ‘broker’ staff or use agency staff, that way we can ensure thorough oversight of services, ongoing mentoring, regular supervision and annual performance appraisals.

Most CareChoice Support Workers have:

  • A Certificate III or IV in Individual Support/Disability or Aged Care or equivalent experience

All CareChoice Support Workers have:

  • A Working with Children’s Check
  • Current certification in First Aid and Basic Life Support (CPR)
  • A NDIS Worker Screening Check
  • Thorough personal and professional reference checks
  • Undergone a comprehensive orientation and induction program

In addition, our Nurses and Allied Health professionals are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

As a 24/7 complex care client you will have a dedicated Team Leader assigned to your program. Your Team Leader is a senior Support Worker or Allied Health professional with extensive experience in the leadership of complex care programs. Your Team Leader is your ‘go-to’ person, a resource and point of escalation for you and/or your family and care team.

Quick Facts About The Region

CareChoice is located in the suburb of Mulgrave, the council of Monash City and the federal electorate of Bruce.