Primary & Community Care

Public health service

Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program (SHBBVP)

Multicultural Services Centre Of Western Australia

Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program (SHBBVP) Logo


0476 264 707



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About Us

Priority target groups include young people, gay men and other men who have sex with men, Aboriginal people, culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) people, travellers and other mobile populations, people in custodial settings and people who inject drugs. The key functions of the SHBBVP are to: • fund non-government organisations to undertake health promotion, prevention and management activities in regard to STIs, HIV and BBVs • develop, implement and evaluate state-wide sexual health and BBV policies, in partnership with key stakeholders • manage the state-wide needle and syringe program • produce resources for community and health care worker education • support national campaigns and coordinate state-wide campaigns • initiate and fund education and workforce development initiatives.