Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

Centrecare Counselling and Support Services - Kalgoorlie


Centrecare Counselling and Support Services - Kalgoorlie Logo

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About Us

Centrecare Goldfields Mental Health Programs provides the following services for people experiencing mental health issues, their carers and their families:

  • Individual and family counselling and advocacy support groups
  • Education and life skill development
  • Mentoring, support and encouragement
  • Recreational activities

Counselling and personalised support can provide you with an opportunity to express your feelings and concerns in a confidential and non-judgemental environment. It can give you an opportunity to discuss the impacts of mental health on your life, your options and how to cope. You will be able to learn to identify goals and strategies for effectively maintaining your own well-being.

A counsellor will be able to provide you with information about mental illness and resources within your community that may be able to assist you.

Do you or someone close to you:

  • experience stress;
  • have a sense of grief and loss;
  • feel like you aren’t coping;
  • feel isolated, sad or depressed;
  • feel anxious or experience panic attacks;
  • believe that you have no purpose or hope;
  • have thoughts of or have attempted to take your own life; and/or
  • suffer from depression or a diagnosed illness such as Bipolar, Schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s?

If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, then this service may be of help to you.


Quick Facts About The Region

Centrecare - Kalgoorlie is located in the suburb of Kalgoorlie, the council of Kalgoorlie/boulder and the federal electorate of O'connor.