Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

About Us

A proactive postvention support service providing short to medium term bereavement counselling and practical support to adults (18 years and over) bereaved by suicide. Office-based and outreach services are provided in the Perth metropolitan area by professional grief and bereavement counsellors specialising in postvention support, and trained volunteer peer support workers. Peer supports are individuals who have been bereaved by suicide in the past, and can relate to people accessing services.

This service is active in the community following suicide, and aims for early engagement of those bereaved (family, friends, professionals and peers) with support services, resources and assistance. The program aims to reduce stigma and isolation associated with suicide bereavement and normalise the grief process, reduce the risk of suicide amongst those bereaved, and raise awareness of the complexities of suicide bereavement with allied health professionals.


Quick Facts About The Region

Anglicare WA - Joondalup is located in the suburb of Joondalup, the council of Joondalup and the federal electorate of Moore.