Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

Mental Health Workplace Training & Education & Suicide Prevention


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About Us

We provide short-term, solution focused counselling. Counselling sessions can be either face-to face or on the phone, whichever is more convenient for you (depending on your location). Our core work has always been focussed on reaching men in hard to reach industries such as mining and construction, and being present in rural and regional communities that have fewer services health and wellbeing services available. Our program delivery has expanded and been adapted over time, to reflect the true diversity of all types of workplaces The demand for our work has continued to increase considerably over time, and our organisation now delivers programs and services to more than 30,000 people in workplaces right around Australia each year. Our physical and mental health screening and training programs vary in duration, and are now available in multiple delivery modes including online. OzHelp programs increase physical and mental health literacy and help-seeking behaviours, and improve the resilience of individuals to access support for themselves and their colleagues. Importantly, we also provide follow up support for participants where required. Our programs are scalable, accessible to any workplace or community nationally and are cost effective.