Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

Adult Inpatient Mental Health Service - Bentley

East Metropolitan Health Service

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About Us

Bentley Mental Health Service provides a comprehensive range of specialist adult mental health services, operating at Bentley Health Campus. These include acute inpatient mental health services (62 beds) for people aged 18 to 65, located at F Block.

In Bentley the Adult Inpatient Wards 6, 7 and 8 are intensive care mental health units where patients receive treatment, care and support in a safe environment. Ward 6 is a locked ward facility which provides care for patients admitted on an involuntary basis under the Mental Health Act 2014. Patients are allocated to open ward areas (Wards 7 and 8) based on catchment area address.

Whilst admitted to inpatient care, holistic needs assessment is undertaken by the multi-disciplinary care team with an emphasis on identification of needs to be met in order to facilitate discharge pathways to community follow up via outpatient clinics and primary care. 

Adult Criteria for inclusion to inpatient services;

  • Assessed as experiencing acute and/or complex symptoms or behaviours indicative of mental illness and requiring treatment within a 24 hour care setting.
  • Assessed as being at high risk of self-harm/harm to others resulting from mental disorder requiring inpatient care under the Mental Health Act 2014

Quick Facts About The Region

Bentley Hospital is located in the suburb of Bentley, the council of Canning and the federal electorate of Swan.